Wednesday, April 4, 2007

I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.

You have to see this video. It highlights how horrible this song really is, and it is absolutely hilarious. I know it has nothing to do with sports, and in fact I have something to say about sports, but instead I will post this and let you all marvel in the ridiculousness that is this video.

Alanis Morissette "My Humps" video


Corey Ettinger said...

What a fantastic commentary on the absolute disaster hip-hop music has become since the late 90's. I remember when rap was good. This is just awful. I mean bad beyond compare. How do people allow these types of lyrics to be written. Furthermore, who actually comes up with this crap? I mean honestly. Terrible. This parody however is just hilarious. I love when Alanis decks the guy.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, this could be what Alanis is know for in the eyes of the younger generation... Head Over Feet was my fav...

Kristen Mainz said...

my favorite is alanis as god in dogma. of course god is a woman!